Friday, August 5, 2011

A little History - A little Hope

Bob Second Place Open - El Reno 1994

Belle The Dog 2011

     I am convinced the best blogs or at least the blogs I enjoy reading  (Like DeltaBluez) are  blogs that post something everyday or at least often enough to keep your interest.  So as dedicated as I am I still missed the second day.   But if you,  dear reader, will be patient I will carry on today as if all is well.
     My first border collie was ole Andrew.  In the first picture you can't quite see the date but it's     1994.  That's a long time ago.  I'd been trailing about two or three years by that time and finally lucked out and placed high enough to get something for the wall.  I followed the typical cycle in the coming years.  Trialed as often as I could.   I held my own trial the Scissortail Classic for about six years.   Then I was so busy at work plus tired of the constant run I hung up the trialing for a while.  But 17 years later I have Belle to run at the Nationals Nursery and it's my third trip to the Nationals.   Many changes but more on that later.

     The second picture is of little Belle.   Pretty thing.  Works with one ear up and one down.  Responsive dog and easy to please.  Not hard headed at all.   Seems to have some push.  Enough for western ewes?  Don't know yet!  

     There's always the tension of unknowns in trialing.   Will the draw be nice?  Will the dog do this or that?  Will my timing and anticipation be correct?   I've never walked up to the post sans butterflys.  I may suppress them.  I may pretend I don't feel their flutter.  But they they flip their little wings any way.   I'll never be "Mighty Casey at the bat"  predicting a result.  I'm the guy who's always surprised at the good run, like it's "found money".  I know there is a connection between preparation and talent and results.  In some things don't get in my way.  I'll run you over,  I know I'm good.  But at the dog trials I am not confident.  I'm the weak sister, the leaky vessel. the good guy who often just doesn't get there.

     What about this time.  More on that later also.

Jenna Baxter "Dog Starter Extroidinaire"

     See the pretty girl second from the right.   That's Jenna Baxter and can she start a dog?   I've watched her progress over the years and if she ever decides to train full time watch out.   She has intuitive non teachable skills like Angie Coker.   Jenna started the dog "Curly Bill" who qualified and went to this years Cattle Nationals.  She also started, our little Belle, who is going to the sheep Nationals.  Pretty fancy even for a high stepper.  Josh, in the picture to her right,  is her good hubby.   He also trials but Josh probably agrees with me that Jenna has the "touch".

     What's gonna happen at the Nationals?

     More on that later.


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