Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We Are the Champions My Friend

                                                                  Tom and Ruth Hines
                                                                Oaktree Border Collies

     I have not learned how to put the Youtube video's in the blog.  I see others do it but I need to study up.  Till then I've put this connection   http://youtu.be/-iPx8sA3qeM?t=5s   to a video Tom Hines prepped. His you tube videos are at Oaktreebc1.    Tom Hines and his wife are Oaktree Border Collies.  They own Belle.  They bred Belle.  They sent Belle to the trainers and they are letting me run Belle in the nursery finals.  Folks who trial in this area know the Hines.  They are special people.  Tom has a sense of humor.  In the video I am down at Angie's with Belle doing a little practice.  Tom or Ruth videos the practice.  Tom takes it home and puts the video to We are the Champions.   At first I thought it would jinx me or sound pretentious as with 90 dogs entered the odds of me winning are greater than 90 to 1.   But really now, what is a champion?  The last person standing in some knock down drag out? No not really.  Sure they play the song when the last tournament team wins but that's not quite right.  A champion is a representative.  Goliath was the champion of his group.  David of his.  You cheer for your champion.  A champion is the one who keeps keeping on.  Belle will be my champion regardless of whether she wins.  If she does her best what more can I ask? 
     Tom and Ruth are champions.  They don't have to win anything to be my champions.  And perhaps as I'm running there dog and doing a little "representing" I'll be their champion.

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